We are always marinating and coating cooked salmon with all kinds of things....well, I decided to go very basic with a really great piece of fish. The better your product the less you have to do to it...let it shine. In this case I used a half a side of Salmon, I picked it because it was the nicest piece of fish that day, even better than the Wild Salmon. What I look for in a fillet is color, glossiness, firmness, and that it does not smell strong. Let's put it this way if you smell a strong fishy odor and it doesn't smell fresh like the ocean, forget it...this goes for all fish. This piece did not have skin, if your piece does, don't worry...right after grilling it will peel right off.
***A note for Salmon skin lovers, the skin will get crispy on one side, when you peel it off, put it back on the grill soft side down, (the side that was against the fish), 'till the skin is crispy. Then you can crumble it and use it as a garnish. I did not oil this fish, Michael likes to use the High Heat Cooking Spray for Grilling. It makes all the difference and the fish doesn't stick. Mikee uses this product exclusively on the grill now.
***A note for you singles...this can also be made in a small portion just adjust your ingredients
Let's get cookin'...
1 Full or Half side of Salmon
***Salt and Pepper amounts are flexible as to you liking and size of fish
1 1/2 Tbls Kosher Salt (you need to use a nice size crystal for this)
1 Tbls Fresh Ground Pepper
Lemons for Garnish and juicing on you cooked fish
Heat up the grill to 400
Sprinkle the fish on both sides with the Salt, then the Pepper
Spray the fish on both sides
Cook on direct heat for 3-5 minutes depending on the thickness of the fish and on how well your gang likes it....if you are not sure just stick a knife in the fish and gently check it.
Plate with Lemon wedge.
That's the whole deal...swear!
***I like to serve this with a mixture of Low Fat Sour Cream, Salt, Pepper, and Fresh Chopped Dill and you can throw some Capers on top! Yummy!
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